Comments on: An Adventurous Painting /2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/ Technology blog of the Brooklyn Museum Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:42:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dana Roberts /2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/comment-page-1/#comment-1452 Wed, 21 Jul 2010 18:40:38 +0000 /bloggers/2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/#comment-1452 I am a little confused. Is your ‘Bierstadt’ a green warning or a criticism of Americans that see/saw God’s grace on the abundant Amercan landscape? Or, is it both?

I particularly love the landscapes of Canada, China and England–places I have visited. When one considers the landscape of England in the Victorian period, things are looking much better now. From the China I knew in 1981 to the China of the 21st century the decline is apalling.–Dana Roberts

By: indicommons» Blog Archive » Carnival of the Commons - 1984, lightcycles and more /2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/comment-page-1/#comment-1440 Fri, 15 May 2009 12:40:44 +0000 /bloggers/2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/#comment-1440 […] Brooklyn Museum films Valerie Hegarty discussing her work in 21 and Fallen […]

By: Valerie Hegarty /2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/comment-page-1/#comment-1444 Thu, 14 May 2009 14:32:00 +0000 /bloggers/2009/05/14/an-adventurous-painting/#comment-1444 Hi,
This is the artist of Fallen Bierstadt on view at the Brooklyn Museum. I’ll check in on the blog when I can, so if you have any questions for the artist, you can ask, and I’ll try to answer when I check in. Thank you all for your interest in the work! Valerie Hegarty
