Comments on: Egyptian Objects Before Egyptology: Discoveries in the Wilbour Library /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/ Technology blog of the Brooklyn Museum Fri, 04 Apr 2014 18:20:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Deirdre /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-757 Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:25:36 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-757 Thanks Tim. Good to hear from you. Tell us about your new book which is inspired by Egypt? We enjoyed your previous exhibition and are always interested in a contemporary artists’ look at the ancient world. Deirdre

By: timothy hull /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-756 Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:23:45 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-756 wow! gorgeous drawings!

By: bette neuman /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-1198 Thu, 11 Mar 2010 22:32:48 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-1198 So helpful to have an historical context for the drawings. The back story to this kind of work is very rarely available to us and does enrich our understanding of them!

By: Deirdre /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-1276 Mon, 01 Mar 2010 17:42:18 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-1276 Thank you for your comment on museum experts making connections. Having the capability to blog about objects opens up the door to researchers to view and comment easily. This is a neat way to gather both historical and contemporary data together and to shine a light on “hidden” collections especially those held in museum libraries and archives.

By: Tom Hardwick /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-1145 Mon, 01 Mar 2010 17:16:48 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-1145 Glad you like the piece.

Clem, the throne is indeed all-Egyptian. Lions are an enduring part of royal / divine iconographies, however – British monarchs are still crowned in Westminster Abbey seated on this chair, which is supported by some rather odd looking Gothic lions:

By: M. Ustelje /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-1075 Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:00:48 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-1075 Fascinating research! It’s so impressive, when experts make connections like that. It’s one of the things I like best about museums.

I love the way the artist “translated” the Egyptian figure into his 18th-century idiom. It has an air of intimacy and playfulness, like in Boucher, which couldn’t be present in the statue. You can easily imagine him sitting like that while looking at himself in a mirror that’s on top of a little Rococo table.

By: Clem Labine /2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/comment-page-1/#comment-1195 Wed, 24 Feb 2010 21:13:26 +0000 /bloggers/2010/02/24/egyptian-objects-before-egyptology-discoveries-in-the-wilbour-library/#comment-1195 The drawing is indeed a fascinating glimpse of cultural crossover. The basic iconography of the chair seems Egyptian (at least to my eye) while the figure has the soft naturalistic lines of a European Renaissance putto.
