Comments on: Fresh Eyes Provide Insight on ASK /2017/02/08/fresh-eyes-provide-insight-on-ask/ Technology blog of the Brooklyn Museum Thu, 23 Feb 2017 17:55:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sara Devine /2017/02/08/fresh-eyes-provide-insight-on-ask/comment-page-1/#comment-68083 Thu, 23 Feb 2017 17:55:40 +0000 /?p=7929#comment-68083 In reply to Jane Audas.

Thanks for your comment, Jane. We are absolutely committed to seeing this through. Although we’ve struggled with use rate, what was also clear from the evaluation is that we’re not yet doing all we can to promote the app. The other big takeaway from the evaluation for me is, as you note, apps in general aren’t doing well in terms of use rate…which begs the question: how are we measuring success with apps? Just because use rate is something we have any easy metric on, doesn’t mean it’s the best (or only) indicator of success (as you also note). For us, engagement is the far more powerful metric. So even if we “only” get x% of visitors using the app, if it enhances their experience, then that’s a win in my book.

By: Jane Audas /2017/02/08/fresh-eyes-provide-insight-on-ask/comment-page-1/#comment-68074 Mon, 20 Feb 2017 08:19:18 +0000 /?p=7929#comment-68074 This is really interesting, looking forward (if you share it) to seeing the final document from ERm. I understand this is a funded project and you have future plans. But, all things considered, I wonder if you would continue to develop the app? It feels like no museum has cracked the gallery app yet, despite considerable work of the kind you are all doing. I don’t believe a cost / benefit analysis is the way to justify engagement yet this feels like a (very) uphill struggle.
