All posts by Judy Kim

Judy Kim

Judy Kim joined the Brooklyn Museum in early 2007 and is Curator of Exhibitions, Head of the Exhibitions Division, which oversees all permanent collection–based shows and special exhibitions. She is coordinating curator of Gilbert & George, on view from October 3, 2008 to January 11, 2009, as well as The Black List Project: Timothy Greenfield-Sanders and Elvis Mitchell, November 21, 2008–March 29, 2009. Previously she was Curator of Exhibitions at the American Federation of Arts from 2001 to 2007, where she managed all curatorial and administrative activities. From 1999 to 2001, Ms. Kim was the Assistant Curator of Contemporary Art at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art. Prior to that she was at the Philadelphia Museum of Art where she organized The Spirit of Korea and founded the Korean Heritage Group. She was a member of the adjunct faculty, Department of Arts, University of Hartford, and has been a panelist and lecturer. She received a B.A. in Art History from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an M.A. from the Center for Curatorial Studies and Art in Contemporary Culture at Bard College.

Shonibare at Play in the Period Rooms

Mother and Father Worked Hard So I Can Play is a work that was made specifically for our period rooms. Last spring when Yinka Shonibare…

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Bringing Sun K. Kwak’s Enfolding 280 Hours to Brooklyn

People have been asking how I learned of Sun K. Kwak. I first noticed Sun’s work well over a year ago through the gallery that…

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