Comments for BKM TECH Technology blog of the Brooklyn Museum Thu, 14 Mar 2019 15:24:55 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on It’s Not About “More” Anymore by Sara Devine /2018/01/10/its-not-about-more-anymore/comment-page-1/#comment-106937 Thu, 14 Mar 2019 15:24:55 +0000 /?p=8125#comment-106937 In reply to Mark Macleod.

Hi Mark,
You’re not the first person to ask us about how to recreate ASK or if we would package it. It’s not currently in a shape that we could package up and provide to others since we built mvp only. Additionally, staffing costs are a real hindrance. You have to have the team to answer the questions and to build the knowledge base.

Comment on ASK and Young Museum Visitors: On the Hunt by Masscv /2017/11/17/ask-and-young-museum-visitors-on-the-hunt/comment-page-1/#comment-103727 Mon, 04 Mar 2019 09:48:52 +0000 /?p=8113#comment-103727 Good article! It was an interesting story.

Comment on It’s Not About “More” Anymore by Mark Macleod /2018/01/10/its-not-about-more-anymore/comment-page-1/#comment-94758 Fri, 01 Feb 2019 19:21:36 +0000 /?p=8125#comment-94758 I love the concept of ASK but don’t love close enough to try it. Would you consider packaging the idea and leasing/seek to other venues as a model for their audiences to get more data on their audience questions?

Comment on It’s Not About “More” Anymore by Suzanne Francis-Brown /2018/01/10/its-not-about-more-anymore/comment-page-1/#comment-68692 Wed, 24 Jan 2018 01:40:58 +0000 /?p=8125#comment-68692 Great insight into how to shift focus and stay on track.

Comment on Before and After: ASKing about American Art by Sara Devine /2017/04/21/before-and-after-asking-about-american-art/comment-page-1/#comment-68365 Tue, 13 Jun 2017 21:14:43 +0000 /?p=8028#comment-68365 In reply to maria teresa tavares.

Hi Maria Teresa,
We shared the information, the questions and answers from ASK, with the curators, who used that information at their own discretion. In some cases it did inform certain decisions. For example, our assistant curator of American art at the time noticed people weren’t making connections between works on view intended to be understood together and updated the layout and label copy to try to better emphasize groupings to make that clearer. I hope that helps.

Comment on Before and After: ASKing about American Art by maria teresa tavares /2017/04/21/before-and-after-asking-about-american-art/comment-page-1/#comment-68331 Sun, 21 May 2017 05:09:44 +0000 /?p=8028#comment-68331 Hi, I am a student of the Master of Arts and Cultural Management at the University of Melbourne and I am really interested in the ASK project. Would you please clarify one doubt I have? Was the rearrangement of the American art galleries an independent process? Or was it done together with the ASK team? Since the App can provide so much information on visitor’s behaviour, I was wondering if the information collected by the ASK team could have informed some of the decisions to the rearrangement itself.

Thank you so much,
Maria Teresa

Comment on Agile Baby Steps by denver hip hop /2014/12/03/agile-baby-steps/comment-page-1/#comment-68317 Sat, 13 May 2017 06:11:59 +0000 /?p=7216#comment-68317 I loved this post! I just read your blogs fairly often and you’re always releasing great stuff.

I shared this on my facebook and my follwers loved it!
Keep up the good work.

Comment on The Realities of Installing iBeacon to Scale by Joey /2015/02/04/the-realities-of-installing-ibeacon-to-scale/comment-page-1/#comment-68277 Thu, 04 May 2017 14:22:15 +0000 /?p=7275#comment-68277 We used the Estimote beacons for a semi-permanent solution. We also had issues with the stickiness. I ended up 3d printing 40 or so “Shells” that would hang from the ceiling tile grid and contain the beacon. We also labeled all the beacons & shells with the ids.

Comment on Labels Do Heavy Lifting for ASK by Emily Sachar /2017/03/24/labels-do-heavy-lifting-for-ask/comment-page-1/#comment-68152 Sat, 25 Mar 2017 04:01:24 +0000 /?p=7975#comment-68152 Such an interesting article. The self-criticism of the ASK team, and the desire not to pollute your own research by overly directing museum visitors, is fascinating and commendable. I’m curious what your research shows after the Minter exhibition closes. I’m always keen to know the sorts of questions you see from users — topics and depth of interest. Maybe you can report in to the guides soon! Thanks again!
