The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center’s First Year Anniversary

The Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art celebrated its one year anniversary on March 15th, 2007 during Women’s History with some truly amazing and inspiring public programs. In the Forum, Curator Maura Reilly kicked off the event with a lively conversation with Ghada Amer about the exhibition Ghada Amer: Love Has No End. Both spoke for almost two hours about the artist’s work, the fascinating evolution of her “big drips” technique, and her take on feminism, which she summed up in one succinct sentence that poignantly ended the talk: “I am a woman, therefore I am a feminist.”

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(Left: Artist Ghada Amer discusses her work. Right: Amer and Curator, Maura Reilly share slides of magazines that were inspirational to the artist early on in her career.)

Later in the day, Dr. Elizabeth A. Sackler introduced the “Funding a Revolution” panel discussion where moderator Carol Jenkins, President of Women’s Media Center, and Helen LaKelly Hunt, Barbara Dobkin, and Jennifer Buffett, three phenomenal benefactors, gave presentations and talked about how they are working to change the face of philanthropy today. All the women seriously rocked the house! Thank you to all the participants, and to everyone who came out for the anniversary. It was a truly feminist celebration!

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(Left: Dr. Elizabeth A. Sackler introduces a panel of feminist philanthropists to the crowd at the “Funding a Revolution” discussion on March 15th, 2007. Right: Panelists included Helen LaKelly Hunt, Jennifer Buffett, Barbara Dobkin, and moderator Carol Jenkins.)