All posts tagged data

Building a little data capture into our admissions process

As I mentioned in my previous post about mapping our digital landscape, we’re not letting the lack of CRM completely get us down. We have…

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Visitor Study: ASK Brooklyn Museum

The second evaluation completed by Pratt grad students last semester examined the ways visitors were using ASK. Partially inspired by wanting to know if people were participating…

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Visitor Study: Frida Kahlo

In my last post, I posited that although we don’t have a CRM, we are gathering data in the ways we can to help inform…

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Mapping the Data Landscape (Without a CRM)

One of my personal and professional goals for the Visitor Experience and Engagement department is to make more data-driven decisions. We’ve written A LOT about…

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Sleuthing Clues about the Future from Visitor Interaction

Things have been pretty quiet over here for a while—have you noticed?  We had been blogging our progress on ASK weekly and in my last post…

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