All posts tagged toliveforever

The Description de l’Egypte in the Wilbour Library of Egyptology

If you have been following the numerous blogs on this website you are aware that the Brooklyn Museum has organized an exhibition of Egyptian objects…

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Q&A about the Conservation of objects for “To Live Forever”

“To Live Forever” is finally up at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and they have done an amazing job posting a wealth of information on…

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Conservation Treatment of Demetrios Continues

To recap previous blogs, the mummy of Demetrios is wrapped in linen, then the entire surface of the linen is painted with red lead. On…

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Who Was Demetrios and How Old Was He When He Died?

The mummy of Demetrios raises a large number of questions that can only be answered with the help of a team of scholars. Each of…

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Conservation Treatment of Demetrios Begins

I’m back from leave, and during the last several months we’ve been busily getting all of the objects ready for the “To Live Forever, Egyptian…

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Indianapolis prepares for “To Live Forever: Egyptian Treasures from the Brooklyn Museum”

A team from the Indianapolis Museum of Art including curator Theodore Celenko, designer Tim Hilldebrand, director of new media Daniel Incandela, and new media project…

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Demetrios gets CT scanned

Photo by Adam Husted Sorry for the delay in this post, but it was a long process organizing the CT scans. When we unpacked Demetrios,…

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Demetrios goes for a ride

While Marc was visiting us from the Getty to carry out XRF on our mummy Demetrios, we decided to give Marc a sample of the…

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The Getty Visits Demetrios

On July 5, Marc Walton, a scientist with the Getty Conservation Institute came to examine one of our mummies, knows as Demetrios. He brought a…

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Meet our mummy, Demetrios

       I would like to introduce you to Demetrios. Demetrios is a mummy in the Brooklyn Museum collection that will be traveling across the country…

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Demetrios in the Times

“While mummies have been subjected to CT scans for more than two decades, it was a first for the museum and for North Shore. The…

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